
March 1, 2011

TryThis0ne - Let's go play

Hello fulks,

First - login to the site - TryThis0ne.com //notice- the 'O' iz a zero
Register yourself with a cool stage name, and pick your avatar.
Now we can start, look at the sidebar, click on PLAY.
The first level will be a little bit hard to understand.. try to find some info: //TT0 - TryThis0ne
I recommend: Google, Hacking.org.il (will be explained later on), TT0 Forum, TT0 Hints at the sidebar.

If you reached the answer.. Good Job!
And if not.. got to my next page - Permission //my pages will be headed with the level's title.

After you will pass the first level... We can start playing.
In a few days.. your mind will be thinking of those
challenges 24/7! You're gonna love it folks!

To be continue...


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