
March 3, 2011

Flash Back


As you can understand from the last universal hint (Head Lines) - the level is about Flash
Take some time to google about 'Flash' for more info about
the behavior of this special file.

Let's check this challenge shell we?
O.k. so we can see that there is a .htm (HTML file) page with
this nice flash of  a man and a fly.
More, we need 'passworD' and 'usernamE' to bypass the flash
into somewhere.. mybe.. and mybe not!
Press on the Log-In button to check it's part in the flash..
O.k. that took us a step ahead inside the flash.. how do we know?
look up to the url.. it hasen't changed.
so we need the right passworD and the right usernamE to open the right door
inside the 'Flash' that can give us the password to the Submit_score!

i'll give you a Hint and the rest lais in your hands..  

 You need to view a source in order to get the
 password and username for this challenge..
the question is.. which source?
[notepad can be a very good tool to use.]

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